Constance Lowe
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Garden City (Air to Ground)

Works on Paper


Commissioned Works


Garden City (Air to Ground) evolves formally and thematically from NASA landsat photography depicting the center-pivot irrigation patterns of Midwest farmland to which the artist has a personal connection.  Coded with “false color” to track crop growth and harvest, water use, and surface changes, these satellite images depict unnaturally regular grids of circles and squares occasionally interrupted by irregular clumps of green space and the meandering lines of rivers.

In mixed media collages and shaped paintings on panel, geometric configurations are inhabited with thematic content drawing upon a repertoire that includes translucent drafting film, varying surface qualities of acrylic paint, the waxy skin of colored pencil, photographs of clouds, wool felt, leather, and the agency of color.  These elements are used to push, displace and layer the shapes and space of flat land patterns to charge formal structure with perceptual dislocation and sensory engagement, suggesting how our natural environment and our relationship to it is increasingly distanced, contingent and abstract.

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